10 on break
10-0 Losses
10-0 Wins
10-0 Wins (no ERO)
4 groups HDCP (0-3)*
8 Ball Foul
8 Ball Scratch
8 on break
9 on break
Amount Owed
Amount Paid
Average (10)
Average (8)
Average (9)
Average (Without HDCP)
Average against
Average with previous score
Awards ($)
Break and Run
Break and Run (8 ball)
Break and Run (9 ball)
Break and Run against
Championship Points
Combined games (with prev games)
Combined score (with prev score)
Consecutive wins (Combined)
Consecutive wins (Division)
CS Rate
CS Rate Stars
CSR as of 12/23/2022
Cue Ball Foul
Custom value 1
Custom value 2
Dead Games
Diff / Week
Differential (Without HDCP)
Differential average
Differential average (Without HDCP)
Divn Custom value 1
Divn Custom value 2
Divn Custom value 3
Ero Against
Fixed TRS
Games played
Games played (10)
Games played (8)
Games played (9)
Games Wins %
Global TRS
Handicap total
HDCP Diff Average
HDCP from chart (Sc. Avg with prev score)
HDCP from chart based on Average
HDCP from chart based on Scratch Average
Head to Head Rank*
Higher value of custom stat
Inning Average
Match Count
Match Losses
Match Tied
Match Wins
Match Wins %
Night Played Ratio
Nights Played
Opponent total handicap
Perfect Match
Player Handicap
Points Lost Avg
Power Factor
Prev played games
Prev played weeks
Prev Score
Pts/Match Avg
Pts/Match Avg (Ratio)
Pts/Match Avg (Ratio) + Prev match
Pts/Match Avg + Prev match
Pts/Match Avg(Session)
Rank With Tie
Round Lost
Round Wins
Round Wins %
Rounds Played
Score +
Score + (10)
Score + (8)
Score + (9)
Score + (Without HDCP)
Score -
Score - (Without HDCP)
Season to date
Session average
Table Run
Tied games
Time Out
Win - Lost differential
Wins/Match avg